Feedback on ISO 3533

Help improve the future version of ISO 3533 Sex toys — Design and safety requirements for products in direct contact with genitalia, the anus, or both

The first international standard on sex toys was published in September 2021, it is called "ISO 3533 Sex toys — Design and safety requirements for products in direct contact with genitalia, the anus, or both" and was developed by ISO/PC 325 with the same name. It was the Swedish Institute for Standards that held the secretariat for the project group (PC) which has since been disband.

In order to gather input on the standard which help to improve it in a future revision this form has been created.

If you have any input or comments that can help to improve the standard "ISO 3533 Sex toys — Design and safety requirements for products in direct contact with genitalia, the anus, or both" we are happy to hear from you.
Please submit your comments in the form below.

Are you interested in participating in future revisions?

Thank you for input!

If you have any further questions, go to the SIS technical committee 612 webpage for contact information.