Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 54-7:2018

Brand och räddning - Branddetekterings- och brandlarmsystem - Del 7: Rökdetektorer av punkttyp som utnyttjar spritt ljus, transmitterat ljus eller jonisation

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 54-7:2018

Brand och räddning - Branddetekterings- och brandlarmsystem - Del 7: Rökdetektorer av punkttyp som utnyttjar spritt ljus, transmitterat ljus eller jonisation
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This draft European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for point smoke detectors that operate using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization, intended for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in and around buildings (see EN 54 1:2011).
This European standard provides for the assessment of verification of consistency of performance (AVCP) of point smoke detectors to this EN.
For other types of smoke detector, or smoke detectors working on different principles, this standard should only be used for guidance. Smoke detectors with special characteristics and developed for specific risks are not covered by this standard.
NOTE Certain types of detector contain radioactive materials. The national requirements for radiation protection differ from country to country and they are not specified in this standard.


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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 54-7:2018

Brand och räddning - Branddetekterings- och brandlarmsystem - Del 7: Rökdetektorer av punkttyp som utnyttjar spritt ljus, transmitterat ljus eller jonisation
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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: Branddetektering och brandlarmsystem, SIS/TK 632

Internationell titel: Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 7: Smoke detectors - Point smoke detectors that operate using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization

Artikelnummer: STD-80006494

Utgåva: 3

Fastställd: 2018-09-05

Antal sidor: 88

Finns även på: SS-EN 54-7:2018

Ersätter: SS-EN 54-7 , SS-EN 54-7/A1:2002 , SS-EN 54-7/A2:2006