Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 81-40:2020

Säkerhetsregler för konstruktion och installation av hissar - Specialhissar för transport av personer och gods - Del 40: Trapphissar och plattformshissar som rör sig längs en lutande bana, avsedda för personer med nedsatt rörelseförmåga

Status: Gällande

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 81-40:2020

Säkerhetsregler för konstruktion och installation av hissar - Specialhissar för transport av personer och gods - Del 40: Trapphissar och plattformshissar som rör sig längs en lutande bana, avsedda för personer med nedsatt rörelseförmåga
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1.1 This document deals with safety requirements for construction, manufacturing, installation, maintenance and dismantling of electrically operated stairlifts (chair, standing platform and wheelchair platform) affixed to a building structure, moving in an inclined plane and intended for use by persons with impaired mobility:
- travelling over a stair or an accessible inclined surface;
- intended for use by one person;
- whose carriage is directly retained and guided by a guide rail or rails;
- supported or sustained by rope (5.4.4), rack and pinion (5.4.5), chain (5.4.6), friction traction drive (5.4.7), and guided rope and ball (5.4.8).
1.2 This document identifies hazards as listed in Clause 4 which arise during the various phases in the life of such equipment and describes methods for the elimination or reduction of these hazards when used as intended by the manufacturer.
1.3 This document does not specify the additional requirements for:
- operation in severe conditions (e.g. extreme climates, strong magnetic fields);
- operation subject to special rules (e.g. potentially explosive atmospheres);
- handling of materials, the nature of which could lead to dangerous situations;
- use of energy systems other than electricity;
- hazards occurring during manufacture;
- earthquakes, flooding, fire;
- evacuation during a fire;
- stairlifts for goods only;
- concrete, hardcore, timber or other foundation or building arrangement;
- design of anchorage bolts to the supporting structure.
NOTE For the actual type of machinery, noise is not considered a significant nor relevant hazard.
1.4 This document is not applicable to power operated stairlifts which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.


Hjälpmedel vid förflyttning (11.180.10) Hissar, rulltrappor och rullramper (14.180) Hissar, rulltrappor (91.140.90) Hissar (94.400)

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 81-40:2020

Säkerhetsregler för konstruktion och installation av hissar - Specialhissar för transport av personer och gods - Del 40: Trapphissar och plattformshissar som rör sig längs en lutande bana, avsedda för personer med nedsatt rörelseförmåga
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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: Hissar och rulltrappor, SIS/TK 211

Internationell titel: Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Special lifts for the transport of persons and goods - Part 40: Stairlifts and inclined lifting platforms intended for persons with impaired mobility

Artikelnummer: STD-80024619

Utgåva: 2

Fastställd: 2020-09-22

Antal sidor: 88

Ersätter: SS-EN 81-40:2008