StandardSwedish standard
SS-EN IEC 62631-3-1, utg 2:2023 RLV
Dielectric and resistive properties of solid insulating materials - Part 3-1: Determination of resistive properties (DC methods) - Volume resistance and volume resistivity - General method
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StandardSwedish standard
SS-EN IEC 62631-3-1, utg 2:2023 RLV
Dielectric and resistive properties of solid insulating materials - Part 3-1: Determination of resistive properties (DC methods) - Volume resistance and volume resistivity - General method
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StandardSwedish standard
SS-EN IEC 62631-3-1, utg 2:2023 RLV
Dielectric and resistive properties of solid insulating materials - Part 3-1: Determination of resistive properties (DC methods) - Volume resistance and volume resistivity - General method
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